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MUG SHATTER - Photogrammetry + Houdini

~Fall 2018 quick study: Decided to give Houdini a try, and figured I'd use it to learn simple shatter sim. This was during a point within my thesis where I was studying and reflecting upon the properties and relations of objects and their particular qualities. Reading Object Oriented Ontology / OOO. Zizek & Graham Harman! +1

Took photos of a coffee mug on my desk. Revit ReCap was used to produce photogrammetry reconstructed mesh of coffee mug. Real quick clean-up of first mesh within ZBrush before export to Houdini. Houdini exported as jpg frames to Adobe AfterEffects for comp.

Final simulation study!

Finalizing for export from Houdini as JPG/PNG frames to composite & export w/ AfterEffects

Finalizing for export from Houdini as JPG/PNG frames to composite & export w/ AfterEffects

Exploring Houdini's preset materials, lights, and camera settings.

Exploring Houdini's preset materials, lights, and camera settings.

Mesh imported to houdini, beginning to explore shatter sims.

Mesh imported to houdini, beginning to explore shatter sims.

ZBrush cleanup of mesh -> To Export for Houdini

ZBrush cleanup of mesh -> To Export for Houdini

ZBrush cleanup of mesh.

ZBrush cleanup of mesh.

Revit ReCap Photogrammetry reconstruction of coffee mug pre-export for Zbrush.

Revit ReCap Photogrammetry reconstruction of coffee mug pre-export for Zbrush.

ReCap Pro - Photogrammetry.

ReCap Pro - Photogrammetry.